(Last updated : 2020-04-06 16:54:44)
   Department   The Jikei University School of Medicine  ,
■ Journal
1.   Calpain inhibitor causes accumulation of ubiquitinated P-glycoprotein at the cell surface :possible role of calpain in P-glycoprotein turnover. 1999/05
2.   Caspase-3 activation during apoptosis caused by doxorubicin-glutathione conjugate. 1999/05
3.   Calpain inhibitor inhibits secretory granule maturation and secretion of GH. 2000/06
4.   Suppression of GST-P by treatment with glutathione-doxorubicin conjugate induces potent apoptosis in rat hepatoma cells 2001/05
5.   Relationship between cytocidal activity and glutathione S-transferase inhibition using doxorubicin coupled to stereoisomers of glutathione which are different substrate specificity. 2001/08
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■ Presentation
1. Development of the reversal drug for the anticancer drug-resistant cells, and target chemotherapy. (Speech,Panelist at Symposium/Workshop (Appointed)) 2015/10/09
■ Business career
1. 2016/01~2016/03 Jikei University Radioisotope Research Facilities, School of Medicine Professor
2. 2015/04~2015/12 Associate Professor
3. 2008/06~2015/03 Associate Professor
■ Main Subject
■ E-Mail Address
■ Present specialized field
Cell biology