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Comparative study of Morita Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT). (Speech,General) 2010/03/05
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A Comparative Study of Outpatient Morita Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therampy(ACT). 2010/06/05
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外来森田療法とAcceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT)の初回面接技法の比較検討 (Speech,General) 2011/10/29
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入院森田療法により軽快した広場恐怖を伴う神経因性頻尿の1症例2013年6月. (General) 2013/06/27
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2 Cases of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder with a Good Prognosis which Underwent Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and inpatient Morita Therapy. (General) 2013/09/04
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Cultural effect of completion for Morita Therapy and [Acceptance and Commitment Therapy](ACT) (Speech,General) 2015/10/03
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The Case of OCD with ASD underwent Inpatient Morita Therapy (Speech,General) 2015/10/16
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Factors of Ineffectiveness and Drop-out of Inpatient Morita Therapy for the Patients with OCD. (Speech,General) 2016/09/02
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Classical Residential Morita Therapy. (Speech,General) 2017/10/12
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