(Last updated : 2021-05-14 19:40:42)
   Department   The Jikei University School of Medicine  ,
   The Jikei University School of Medicine  ,
■ Journal
1.   Forkhead transcription factor FOXO1 is a direct target of progestin to inhibit endometrial epithelial cell growth. 2011/02/01
2.   Safety guidelines for photodynamic therapy in the treatment of early stage cancer and dysplasia of the uterine cervix. 2012/04
3.   Current surgical principle for uterine cervical cancer of stages Ia2, Ib1, and IIa1 in Japan: a survey of the Japanese Gynecologic Oncology Group. 2013/11
4.   Phosphorylation and externalization of galectin-4 is controlled by Src family kinases. 2013/12
5.   Performance of p16INK4a/Ki-67 immunocytochemistry for identifying CIN2+ in atypical squamous cells 2015/02
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■ BooK
1.   Photodynamic therapy under colposcopy for CIN and early stage uterine cervical cancerfor preserving fertility., Cryosurgery and Colposcopy: Practices, Outcomes and Potential Complications. 2016/03/11
2.   Fertility-preserving photodynamic therapy under colposcopy for CIN and early stage uterine cervical cancer., Cryosurgery and Colposcopy: Practices, Outcomes and Potential Complications. 2016/06/12
■ Presentation
1. PDT for CIN3 and early stage cervical cancer might be superior therapy for fertility preservation in comparison with conization. (Speech,General) 2015/04/09
2. Outcomes of oncology and fertility in patients with cervical cancer after undergoing Trachelectomy (Poster notice,General) 2016/10/30
■ Present specialized field
Obstetrics and gynecology