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Several molecules regulate the migration of liver bud in the chick embryo. 2007/05/28
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Analysis of molecules that regulate liver morphogenesis in chick embryo. (General) 2007/12/13
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Comparative developmental anatomy of the diaphragm in mouse and chick embryo. マウス胚とニワトリ胚を用いた横隔膜発生の比較解析. 2009/05/28
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Comparison of diaphragm development between mouse and chicken embryo. (Poster notice) 2009/09/06
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An approach for analysis of acquisition mechanism of diaphragm. (Poster notice) 2009/12
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どのように哺乳類は進化の過程で横隔膜を獲得したのか。 How the mammalian acquired the diaphragm during their evolution. (Poster notice) 2011/03/28
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Comparative anatomy of the diaphragmatic muscle precursor cells in mouse and chick. 2011/05/18
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Gene expression patterns analysis relative to congenital diaphragmatic hernia in mouse and chick embryo マウス、ニワトリ胚を用いた先天性横隔膜ヘルニア関連遺伝子の発現パターン解析 (Poster notice) 2011/12/13
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胎生期のミネラル環境がミネラル恒常性に与える影響の検討 (Speech,General) 2011/12/13
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Verification of detailed analytical methods for in situ hybridization with 3-dimensional reconstruction. 2012/12/11
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The Diaphragm Between Mouse and Chick (Poster notice) 2013/03/04
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ニワトリ、マウスを用いた横隔膜相同組織の比較解析 (Poster notice,General) 2013/03/30
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Analysis of distribution of Wt1 expression cell in diaphragm development. (Poster notice,General) 2014/05/27
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Analysis of Wt1 positive cells in diaphragm development. (Poster notice,General) 2014/11/25
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CLEC-2 on platelets is essential for alveogenesis and respiratory function by regulating differentiation of lung mesothelial cells. (Poster notice,General) 2016/06/02
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Transcriptome analysis of the developing diaphragm. (Poster notice,General) 2016/12/01
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Neural Crest Cell Might Be Origin of Middle Ear Cholesteatoma. (Poster notice,General) 2017/02/14
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Is the sturgeon 's air filled organs is really gas bladder? (Poster notice,General) 2017/10/13
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Functional Analysis of Gcm2 in Adult Gcm2 Conditional Knockout Mice (Poster notice,General) 2017/11/02
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Neural crest cell lineages were observed in middle ear cholesteatoma in animal model. (Poster notice,General) 2018/05
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Analysis of left-right difference using primary culture of developing diaphragm (Poster notice,General) 2018/11/28
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Regulator of middle ear cholesteatoma formation: Neural crest derived cell under KGF initiation. (Poster notice,General) 2019/02
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Are gas bladders novel organs acquired by actinopterygii? (Poster notice,General) 2019/10/10
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An analysis of homology between the lung and swim bladder by endodermal gene map of zebrafish (Poster notice,General) 2021/03/28
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Three-dimensional distribution of proliferating endocrine cells in parathyroid gland of mice of different ages (Poster notice,General) 2021/03/28
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Verification of differences in ability of transcriptional activation of Gcm2 between fishes and tetrapods (Poster notice,General) 2021/03/28
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Comparative analysis of functional difference of GCM2 between mouse and zebrafish (Poster notice,General) 2022/12/02
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