(Last updated : 2020-09-05 16:13:26)
  山内 貴史
   Department   The Jikei University School of Medicine  ,
   The Jikei University School of Medicine  ,
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Journal
1.   Effects of psychiatric training on nursing students' attitudes towards people with mental illness in Japan. 2011/11
2.   A preliminary study on the attitude of the Japanese public towards creative artwork by people with mental illness. 2012/07
3.   Towards a reassessment of the role of divorce in suicide outcomes: evidence from five Pacific Rim populations. 2012/07
4.   Age-adjusted relative suicide risk by marital and employment status over the past 25 years in Japan. 2013/03
5.   Death by suicide and other externally caused injuries after stroke in Japan (1990-2010): the Japan Public Health Center-based prospective study. 2014/07
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■ Present specialized field
Hygiene and public health: excluding laboratory approach 
■ Department laboratory expense researcher number
■ External Researcher ID
orcID 0000-0001-5295-4082